Sofya: a Blogging Theme for Hugo

The name Sofya is the Russian form of the Greek Sophia, meaning wisdom. It seemed like an apt name for a blogging theme.


Having browsed through a bunch of different themes that were available for free online, I failed to find one that encompassed all of the design elements that I wanted. In addition, I had been meaning to start a little bit more design-orientated work in my free time as I spend most of my time working on backend code these days. This is why I decided to create my own theme.

Design Philosophy

It needed to be clean and simple. Nothing too crazy, the page should load fast and the user should instantaneously know where to look naturally. No bright colours, no flashy hero-image background, no “13 megabyte parallax-ative home page”, no nothing!

This philosophy also extends to the code, the markup should be clear and easy to understand (although the indentation can look a little weird sometimes - this is just an unfortunate artefact of some static site generators), and the CSS should be fairly lean. You could say I was inspired by this masterpiece, although I didn’t quite manage seven declarations. As I’ve said, I’m not much of a front end guy. I want to become better at it, this is why I have experimented with the CSS a little more than maybe I should have. If you do happen to be a designer and you are checking out my theme / code / CSS, do feel free to drop me some constructive criticism, I would appreciate it.

Please note that some of the base CSS has been lifted from here. I have credited the author in the code and have provided a reference on this projects GitHub page. Credit where credit is due.

You can download the theme for free here.
